
XML Scripting


XML scripting via gvm-cli should only be considered for simpler use cases. Greenbone Management Protocol (GMP) or Open Scanner Protocol (OSP) scripts are often more powerful and easier to write.

Scripting via gvm-cli is directly based on GMP and OSP. Both protocols make use of XML command requests and corresponding responses.

A typical example for using GMP is the automatic scan of a new system. In the example below, it is assumed that an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that monitors the systems in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and immediately discovers new systems and unusual, new TCP ports is in use. If such an event is being discovered, the IDS should automatically initiate a scan of the new system. This can be done with the help of a script.

  1. Starting point is the IP address of the new suspected system. For this IP address, a target needs to be created on the Greenbone Enterprise Appliance.

    If the IP address is saved in the environment variable IPADDRESS by the IDS, the respective target can be created:

> gvm-cli socket --xml "<create_target><name>Suspect Host</name><hosts>"$IPADDRESS"</hosts></create_target>"
<create_target_response status="201" status_text="OK, resource created" id="e5adc10c-71d0-49fe-aacf-a442ee31d387"/>

See create_target command for all details.

  1. Create a task using the default Full and Fast scan configuration with UUID daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea and the previously generated target:

> gvm-cli socket --xml "<create_task><name>Scan Suspect Host</name><target id=\"e5adc10c-71d0-49fe-aacf-a442ee31d387\"/><config id=\"daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea\"/><scanner id=\"08b69003-5fc2-4037-a479-93b440211c73\"/></create_task>"
<create_task_response status="201" status_text="OK, resource created" id="7249a07c-03e1-4197-99e4-a3a9ab5b7c3b"/>

See create_task command for all details.

  1. Start the task using the UUID return from the last response:

> gvm-cli socket --xml "<start_task task_id=\"7249a07c-03e1-4197-99e4-a3a9ab5b7c3b\"/>"
<start_task_response status="202" status_text="OK, request submitted"><report_id>0f9ea6ca-abf5-4139-a772-cb68937cdfbb</report_id></start_task_response>

See start_task command for all details.

→ The task is running. The response returns the UUID of the report which will contain the results of the scan.

  1. Display the current status of the task:

> gvm-cli socket --xml "<get_tasks task_id=\"7249a07c-03e1-4197-99e4-a3a9ab5b7c3b\"/>"
<get_tasks_response status="200" status_text="OK">
<status>Running</status><progress>98 ... </progress>

See get_tasks command for all details.

→ As soon as the scan is completed, the full report is available and can be displayed.

  1. Display the full report:

> gvm-cli socket --xml "<get_reports report_id=\"0f9ea6ca-abf5-4139-a772-cb68937cdfbb\"/>"
<get_reports_response status="200" status_text="OK"><report type="scan" id="0f9ea6ca-abf5-4139-a772-cb68937cdfbb" format_id="a994b278-1f62-11e1-96ac-406186ea4fc5" extension="xml" content_type="text/xml">

See get_reports command for all details.

  1. Additionally, the report can be downloaded in a specific report format instead of plain XML.

    List all report formats:

> gvm-cli socket --xml "<get_report_formats/>"
<get_report_formats_response status="200" status_text="OK"><report_format id="5057e5cc-b825-11e4-9d0e-28d24461215b">

See get_report_formats command for all details.

  1. Download the report in the desired format.

    Example: download the report as a PDF file:

> gvm-cli socket --xml "<get_reports report_id=\"0f9ea6ca-abf5-4139-a772-cb68937cdfbb\" format_id=\"c402cc3e-b531-11e1-9163-406186ea4fc5\"/>"


Please be aware that the PDF is returned as base64 encoded content of the <get_report_response><report> element in the XML response.

GVM Scripts

Changed in version 2.0.

Scripting of Greenbone Management Protocol (GMP) and Open Scanner Protocol (OSP) via gvm-script or interactively via gvm-pyshell is based on the python-gvm library. Please take a look at python-gvm for further details about the API.


By convention, scripts using GMP are called GMP scripts and are files with the ending Accordingly, OSP scripts with the ending are using OSP. Technically both protocols could be used in one single script file.

The following sections are using the same example as it was used in XML Scripting where it was assumed that an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that monitors the systems in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and immediately discovers new systems and unusual, new TCP ports is in use. The IDS will provide the IP address of a new system to the GMP script.

  1. Define the function that should be called when the script is started by adding the following code to a file named

if __name__ == '__gmp__':
  main(gmp, args)

→ The script is only called when being run as a GMP script. The gmp and args variables are provided by gvm-cli or gvm-pyshell. args contains arguments for the script, e.g., the user name and password for the GMP connection. The most important aspect about the example script is that it contains the argv property with the list of additional script specific arguments. The gmp variable contains a connected and authenticated instance of a Greenbone Management Protocol class.

  1. The main function begins with the following code lines:

def main(gmp: Gmp, args: Namespace) -> None:
  # check if IP address is provided to the script
  # argv[0] contains the script name
  if len(args.argv) <= 1:
    print('Missing IP address argument')
    return 1

  ipaddress = args.argv[1]

→ The main function stores the first argument passed to the script as the ipaddress variable.

3. Add the logic to create a target, create a new scan task for the target, start the task and print the corresponding report ID:

ipaddress = args.argv[1]

target_id = create_target(gmp, ipaddress)

full_and_fast_scan_config_id = 'daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea'
openvas_scanner_id = '08b69003-5fc2-4037-a479-93b440211c73'
task_id = create_task(

report_id = start_task(gmp, task_id)

    f"Started scan of host {ipaddress}. Corresponding report ID is {report_id}"

For creating the target from an IP address (DNS name is also possible), the following is used. Since target names must be unique, the current date and time in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm) is added:

def create_target(gmp, ipaddress):
    import datetime

    # create a unique name by adding the current datetime
    name = f"Suspect Host {ipaddress} {str(}"
    response = gmp.create_target(name=name, hosts=[ipaddress])
    return response.get('id')

The function for creating the task is defined as:

def create_task(gmp, ipaddress, target_id, scan_config_id, scanner_id):
    name = f"Scan Suspect Host {ipaddress}"
    response = gmp.create_task(
    return response.get('id')

Finally, the function to start the task and get the report ID:

def start_task(gmp, task_id):
    response = gmp.start_task(task_id)
    # the response is
    # <start_task_response><report_id>id</report_id></start_task_response>
    return response[0].text

For getting a PDF document of the report, a second script can be used:

from base64 import b64decode
from pathlib import Path

def main(gmp: Gmp, args: Namespace) -> None:
    # check if report id and PDF filename are provided to the script
    # argv[0] contains the script name
    if len(args.argv) <= 2:
        print('Please provide report ID and PDF file name as script arguments')
        return 1

    report_id = args.argv[1]
    pdf_filename = args.argv[2]

    pdf_report_format_id = "c402cc3e-b531-11e1-9163-406186ea4fc5"
    response = gmp.get_report(
        report_id=report_id, report_format_id=pdf_report_format_id

    report_element = response[0]
    # get the full content of the report element
    content = "".join(report_element.itertext())

    # convert content to 8-bit ASCII bytes
    binary_base64_encoded_pdf = content.encode('ascii')
    # decode base64
    binary_pdf = b64decode(binary_base64_encoded_pdf)

    # write to file and support ~ in filename path
    pdf_path = Path(pdf_filename).expanduser()


if __name__ == '__gmp__':
    main(gmp, args)

Example Scripts

All example scripts can be found at GitHub.