Protocol implementations for the Greenbone Management Protocol (GMP).

In most circumstances you will want to use the GMP class which dynamically selects the supported GMP protocol of the remote manager daemon.

If you need to use a specific GMP version, you can use the GMPv224 or GMPv225 classes.

  • GMP - Dynamically select supported GMP protocol of the remote manager daemon.

  • GMPv224 - GMP version 22.4

  • GMPv225 - GMP version 22.5

class GMP

Dynamically select supported GMP protocol of the remote manager daemon.

Must be used as a Context Manager


from gvm.protocols.gmp import GMP

with GMP(connection) as gmp:
    # gmp can be an instance of
    # gvm.protocols.gmp.GMPv224,
    # gvm.protocols.gmp.GMPv225
    # or gvm.protocols.gmp.GMPv226
    # depending on the supported GMP version of the remote manager daemon
    resp = gmp.get_tasks()
__init__(connection, *, transform=<function str_transform>)

Create a new GMP instance.

  • connection (GvmConnection) – Connection to use to talk with the remote daemon. See gvm.connections for possible connection types.

  • transform (Callable[[Response], T]) –

    Optional transform callable to convert response data. After each request the callable gets passed the plain response data which can be used to check the data and/or conversion into different representations like a xml dom.

    See gvm.transforms for existing transforms.


Determine the supported GMP version of the remote daemon


Determine supported GMP version of the remote daemon and return a corresponding GMP class instance