Write a Plugin

Plugins need to be available in the Python import path. The easiest way to achieve this is uploading a plugin to PyPI and installing it via pip or poetry.

Alternatively, a plugin can also be put into a .autohooks directory in the root directory of the git repository where the hooks should be executed.

An autohooks plugin is a Python module which provides a precommit function. The function must accept arbitrary keywords because the keywords are likely to change in future. Therefore using **kwargs is highly recommended.

Currently config and report_progress keyword arguments are passed to the precommit function.


def precommit(config=None, report_progress=None, **kwargs):

The config can be used to receive settings from the pyproject.toml file, e.g.,

bar = 2

can be received with

def precommit(config, **kwargs):
    default_value = 1
    setting = config
      .get('tool', 'autohooks', 'plugins', 'foo')
      .get_value('bar', default_value)
    return 0

The report_progress can be used since autohooks 22.8.0 to display a progress bar when running a plugin.

def precommit(report_progress, **kwargs):
    files = get_changed_files()

    for file in files:

    return 0

With autohooks it is possible to write all kinds of plugins. Most common are plugins for linting and formatting.

Linting Plugin

Usually the standard call sequence for a linting plugin is the following:

  1. get list of staged files

  2. filter list of files for a specific file type

  3. stash unrelated changes

  4. apply checks on filtered list of files by calling some external tool

  5. raise exception if something did go wrong

  6. return 1 if check was not successful

  7. stage changes made by the tool

  8. unstash unrelated changes

  9. return 0

Example plugin:

import subprocess

from autohooks.api import ok, fail
from autohooks.api.git import get_staged_status, stash_unstaged_changes
from autohooks.api.path import match


def get_include(config)
    if not config:
        return DEFAULT_INCLUDE

    config = config.get('tool', 'autohooks', 'plugins', 'foo')
    return config.get_value('include', DEFAULT_INCLUDE)

def precommit(config=None, report_progress=None, **kwargs):
    include = get_include(config)

    files = [f for f in get_staged_status() if match(f.path, include)]

    if not files:
      # no files to lint
      return 0

    if report_progress: # to support autohooks < 22.8.0

    with stash_unstaged_changes(files):
        const failed = False
        for file in files:
            status = subprocess.call(['foolinter', str(file)])
            if status:
                fail('Could not validate {str(file)}')
                failed = True
                ok('Validated {str(file)}')

            if report_progress:

        return 1 if failed else 0

Formatting Plugin

Usually the standard call sequence for a formatting plugin is the following:

  1. get list of staged files

  2. filter list of files for a specific file type

  3. stash unrelated changes

  4. apply formatting on filtered list of files by calling some external tool

  5. raise exception if something did go wrong

  6. stage changes made by the tool

  7. unstash unrelated changes

  8. return 0

Example plugin:

import subprocess

from autohooks.api import ok, error
from autohooks.api.git import (
from autohooks.api.path import match


def get_include(config)
    if not config:
        return DEFAULT_INCLUDE

    config = config.get('tool', 'autohooks', 'plugins', 'bar')
    return config.get_value('include', DEFAULT_INCLUDE)

def precommit(config=None, report_progress=None, **kwargs):
    include = get_include(config)

    files = [f for f in get_staged_status() if match(f.path, include)]

    if not files:
      # no files to format
      return 0

    if report_progress: # to support autohooks < 22.8.0

    with stash_unstaged_changes(files):
        for file in files:
            # run formatter and raise exception if it fails
            subprocess.run(['barformatter', str(file)], check=True)
            ok('Formatted {str(file)}')

            if report_progress:

        return 0